Tuesday, 17 October 2023

In the Dark Age of the Crook Rabbis, you learn directly from God within ...

Dark Age of Christ within your own heart. The Greedy Thief Pastors canno...

In this Dark Age of Christ within you, you reap what you had sown. Canno...Dark Age of Christ within your own heart. The Greedy Thief Pastors cannot enter the Royal Kingdom of God. https://youtu.be/gTSmSUF02UE NOBILITY OF ABRAHAM. By Chaudhry Rajinder NIJJHAR, M.Sc., Retired Senior Lecturer in Metallurgy, KNUST, Kumasi, Ghana, West Africa. Part 1 I hail from Punjab, India, where the Second Coming of Jesus in the name of Satguru Nanak Dev Ji appeared in 1469 among the most spiritually sick Satanic greedy people of the Khatri tribe and He Preached the Gospel through Five more Lights. As the people of the Khatri tribe were Kings and Emperors of Darkness as compared with the people of Judah tribe, the Princes of Darkness. Sikhism was protected by Four Royal Kings (Sachae Patshahs) who enforced Righteousness by the sword power as the word of mouth was not enough as Jesus had rebuked Judas Iscariot of the Judah tribe and he dare not take the Blood money home but killed himself out of the remorse. Part 2:- Now, Christ or Satguru appears when the Rabbis/Brahmins become so crook that the Prophet could not whip them anymore and they become very aggressive, confrontation between the Born-Blind young man of age versus the Rabbis and how the ruling Rabbis tried to make fool of him but he retorted, “Do you also want to become the Disciples of Christ Jesus”? So, when the Rabbis become aggressive rulers worshipping Mammon and not God, then only our Supernatural Father of our supernatural “soul” sends His Very Son that represents Father in all His Attributes to get rid of the cruel Rabbis/Brahmins and introduce Him through His Word, the Light that disperses the Fog of Falsehoods called “KOORR”, Master of the lies that is only exposed by His Word delivered by the Christ/Satguru. Thus, the First Christ came in the Middle East among the most Satanic people of the Judah tribe and then, in the East among the people of Khatri tribe, the Kings and Emperors of Darkness. I have been told that the Iranian Ayatollah Khomeini hailed from Kashmir, the world renowned centre of theology in the past. Part 3:- Now, let us revert back to our main subject, the Salt of the Noble Abraham. Abraham was of the Semitic race and so his people should have black curly hair but not so strong a curl as those of the Negroes. You will notice that most of the Palestinians have curly hair proving that their forefather was Abraham whilst through inter-racial marriages, the race gets diluted but it cannot be hundred per cent white like the Aryans. So, these snow white Jews of appearances outwardly and not spiritual inwardly were created by the greedy Temple Priests who divided the court of the Temple Yahweh, the creator of male and female letting the Chosen People with their gadget sitting in the front whilst the visitors behind the wall. That boosted the “ego” of the Chosen People and that is why the lepers Jesus cured rushed straight to their Rabbis so that they can sit in the front with stiff necks and forgot what mighty deed of Mercy Jesus had rendered to them. This showed how much Saltless fanatic devils they were – John 8v44. Whereas when a Samaritan man found that he is cured of leprosy, he instead of going back to his people returned back not only to thank Jesus from the core of his heart but also joined Jesus to know the Gospel Truth that too was known to the Samaritan Rabbis, the generation of the faithful son of Abraham Joseph whom the other crook Eleven Patriarchs want to kill him but sold as a slave that the faithful sons of Abraham through Ishmael honoured him very much above the tribal link. In the same way, Baby Jesus that the “Saltless” unfaithful to Abraham and Yahweh sons of Isaac want to kill Him for they loved Darkness to fleece the devotees. Remember that the greedy sons of Isaac, were staunch enemy of Christ Jesus and they wanted to kill Jesus and his First Fruit of Resurrection Lazarus. For this, they told a pack of lies to their stooges who believed in them as depicted in the trial of Jesus before the Pilate. This nature has not gone from them and their convert through the Messianic Jews who killed more people than the Temple Priests fulfilling Matt 12v43-45 and made the situation worse than before the arrival of Christ Jesus. The AntiChrist Pope and his hireling Dog-Collared stooges killed many and to get rid of these Middle men Jesus delivered to us His Word to Perceive the Face of Him as Moses did and showed the back to the people in the written corruptible Torah, the Old Cloth full of holes. Thus, the Gospel Absolute Truth is received through logical reasoning called intuition which the men of the dead letters, the University Professors are incapable but the illiterate Shepher www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/Rest.htm Any helper to finish my Books:- ONE GOD ONE FAITH:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/bookfin.pdf and in Punjabi KAKHH OHLAE LAKHH:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/pdbook.pdf Very informative Channel:- Punjab Siyan. John's baptism:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/johnsig.pdf Trinity:- www.gnosticgospel.co.uk/trinity.pdf

Luke 11v29-32:- Jesus didn't perform miracles among the clever unbelievi...

Christ = Satguru appears when the Prophets cannot whip the greedy Rabbi/...

The nobility of Abraham:- He was of the Semitic Race loving both the whi...

Promised Land belongs to the Real Son of Abraham Isaac so far they are f...

Punjabi - Payar, Eros among the Hindu tribal people whilst PREM, Agape, ...

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