Saturday 6 March 2010

Islam of Allah, Inshallah, crystal clear water or thoughts; Islam of Mullahs, Inshmullah - murky-1.

Islam of Allah, Inshallah, crystal clear water or thoughts; Islam of Mullahs, Inshmullah is like the murky waters in which you cannot see and get lost as these Dog-collared Priests are lost.-1.


Today, I went to London School of Economics which is well known for educational standard and over there a Professor John Sidel, Department of Government gave a lecture on 'Intolerance and Persecution of Religious Deviance Within Islam: The Case of the Ahmadiyya Community in Indonesia', Lecture was about 45 minutes and then questions and answers. I told him that Christs Jesus did not do his own will but that of our Father and a example was when James and John, the two Labourers, went to a Samaritan village asking them to be ready to listen to Jesus but they said let him go; we do not need him. They were not happy what they said and asked Jesus to put that village on fire as Elijah did. Christ Jesus stressed that ye do not know what spirit ye are of. I have come to do the Will of my Father, INSHALLAH, and not my own will, INSHJESUS. I told him you are talking about false Islam of Mullahs in which INSHMULLAH, Fatwas or edicts of Pope prevails. So, you are talking about the Islam of Mullahs, the murky waters and not the clear waters in which INSHALLAH prevails.

But the Professor had no clue what the hell I am talking about. So, these University Professors are no better than the donkeys carrying the Holy Books incapable of understanding them in spirit.

God bless you who use intuition.

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