Friday, 20 November 2009

Account-This is the Age of Christ and you cannot blame anyone for sectarian riots and wars - 1

People suffer under the religious notions and they blame each other. It is wrong to do so as this the Age of Christ, Who is the Light of the world. But if prefer Darkness to Light as the Messianic Jews did, then what is given to you is taken away from you and given to those who appreciate and long for His Word. It is an Age in which you need to seek His Word through logical reasoning but if you follow your Priest of Bishop with closed eye as expected of a blind, then if there are sectarian riots, then you yourself is to be blamed for suffering and not the leaders, Bishop or Pope. In fact, those who put themselves before this Lightm He gets purified and saved. His Woprd is for those who long fot it and use logical reasoning to dig out these Beautiful Treasures of God, the exposition of the Parables,

Gospel is not for every one but for those who are pre-ordained of our Father. So, no Gospel or the Light of God, you suffer as the Jews did during the Holocausts, Oartition of India, in which no relious self died but the physical tribal selves that were bor and did died or survived.

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