Friday, 20 November 2009

Freedom our anointed Elder Brother Christ Jesus came to deliver is far better than the Rabbis-14.

Saltless Parasites on Churches, the Dog-collared Wolves in sheeps clothing.-14. Freedom that Christ Jesus came to deliver us. I have produced a cartoon and if you can help produce a better one, then I would much appreciate please. Next month, I am going to lecture on this at Oxford. Our Brother Jagdeep Mudan helped with one of Sun and Moon. Many know that Christ Jesus came to liberate us from the Yoke of corrupt Rabbis but hardly any one appreciate the Freedom that Christ Jesus delivered to us through His Word? This will become clear if you know what type of Freemen the Rabbis used to be and how they were enslaved by the Temple High Priests? The job of Cohen was assigned to the people of Levi tribe and the Ideal Cohen or moral teacher is defined by Christ Jesus in Matt.13.52 as the owner, all-in-all in charge of the House of God, the Synagogue, who bringeth forth Treasures Old, the written Torah or Scriptures, Milk and the New, His Word, the Oral Torah, the Meat that puts life into the Scriptures, from His Store Room of knowledge. This is how the living Moral Teachers of Moses were supposed to be and they used to be the Freemen, who could rule out the written Torah in the light of circumstances. There used to be no one to govern such an ideal Rabbi but in Jerusalem, the Chief Priest started to muddle with his Freedom and he would expect the Cohen to obey his orders. One of the Cohen refused to do so and he was murdered in the Temple that Christ Jesus pointed out to the crook Temple Priests. Whereas in the Samaritan villages, the Rabbis enjoyed Freedom and they taught sound moral laws and expounded His Word to their congregations. This Freedom of village Rabbi was amply reflected in that Samaritan Woman, John 4, who told Christ Jesus that the Jews hate us and you want water from me? She being highly spiritual listened to Christ Jesus and engaged him in deep spiritual discussion that even surprised Jesus Workers. Even once born Peter was shocked and kept quiet. That Samaritan Woman and her Family became evangelists and Saints that were brutally killed by Emperor Nero. But the Messianic Jews were jealous of the spirituality of the Samaritan people so much so that they covered up these Samaritan Saints known as St.Photina and others. As stressed already, the Messianic Jews after the deaths of St.Stephen and St.James, the Just, corrupted the Church by bringing in the forbidden Jewish Leaven, the written Torah full of holes or corruptions that was not needed at all as this New Covenant of Holy Spirit overtakes the Old Covenant in Letters or Scriptures. This Christ Jesus stressed when He told His Workers, the sons of Light by grace that the least in the Royal Kingdom of God, the son of God, is greater than John, the Baptist, Prophet Elijah born of a woman. Apostles rebuked the corrupt Messianic Jews who were Bishops but they in turn threw them out of their Churches. Thus, the sons of Satan Messianic Jews killed the Samaritan and Gentile Apostles by putting them alive before animals or burning their Books and them at the stake. These Messianic Jews killed Christianity and created Darkness as stressed in the Gospel of John. So, the Bishops and Popes dead in the Letters of the Old and the New Testament became the cruel Masters worse than those Temple Priests, the brood of vipers, and created utter Darkness. This is amply reflected in the organization of Pope in Mammon where like those Temple Priests at the time of Christ Jesus, these Dog-Collared clerics are paid in Mammon and they in turn have become the slaves to Pope and his stooges in Mammon with no Freedom at all. Hardly any such clerics can proclaim that not a single Jew died during the Holocausts but the tribal people of Levi, Benjamin, Judah, etc, who were spiritually blind and they were led by their blind Rabbis into these Pits of deaths. But still they boast of the Freedom that Christ Jesus came to deliver to us. I have made a cartoon emphasizing this situation and this cartoon was not liked by the hireling Clerics at the International Ecumenical Conference, 2009 in Cluj, Romania where these Catholic Fathers have a strong hold over blind to spirit people. I will explain the lot in my Videos

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