Saturday, 7 November 2009

Basics - Moral teachers are called Guru and they work for Adam whilst christs are by grace of God -1

Basics - Moral teachers are called Guru and they work for Adam whilst christs are by grace of God -1. Guru, Satguru and Sachae Paatshah
Hi Brethren,
Just the basics to understand Sikhism, Christianity and Islam.
Moral Teachers:-
In India, they are called Brahmins, in Middle East, they are called Rabbis, in Africa, they are called Fetish Priests, etc. They teach the Moral Laws centred around Adam or Shiv. Such morally sound people render religious help. Daeh Shiva Var Mohae................
Spiritual Preachers:-
They impart spiritual education to Mind or Munn. In India, they are called Sattguru, in the Middle East Christ, etc.
In Sikhism, there were Six Sattgurus whilst in the Middle East One Christ Jesus. Christs appear in Kalyug only and those who listened to their Messages are lucky one for Salvation is very sure if Gospel is preached by them. Saints and Apostles are also Sattgurus. Royal Kings or Sachae Paatshah:-
People who do not mend their ways through preaching His Word, such satanic people are dealt by the sword power of Sachae Paatshahs. They were Four in the East, the Epicentre of Satanic people being Amritsar or the Punjab and none in the Middle East as word of mouth was enough for Judas Iscariot to kill himself.
There is none above Sachae Paatshah and Sachae Paatshah Gobind Singh Ji was the Last of the Four Prophets and there shall be none after Him. To address Sattguru Nanak Dev Ji as Guru is degrading and to address Sachae Paatshahs as Guru is highly degrading. Such people are spiritually blind and some times they turn fanatics.
Allah is from Al-Ilah, the Father. Ilahs are the tribal fathers and Allah, the spiritual Father also known as Paar Brahm and God.
We have One God and there are different names for Him according to the qualities.
Rajinder Nijjhar, M.Sc.
Holy spirit, common sense, shatters the fetters of the Letters, Holy Books.
Holy spirit = Dunyavi Surti = common sense
Holy Spirit = Roohani Surti = Extra Ordinary Sense.

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