Friday, 6 November 2009

Christedelphians Church visit on 25 October, 09 and listened to a scientist lacking logic.

Chritedelphians Church visit on 25 October, 09 and listened to a scientist lacking logic. This last Sunday, I went to the Christedelphians Church on Oxford Road, Reading in the evening and there was a guest speaker who was a scientists. His topic was Science versus religion in which he stressed that people are becoming Atheist because religion leads to wars and because of the Theism. He did present a good scientific paper and at the end I ask him if God is Spirit that sets us Free and Christ Jesus came as our Liberator from the yokes of the Temple Rabbis and He came to serve and not to be served as He washed the Feet of His Workers, which you wouldn't find a Lord washing the feet of his Labourers, then why you call God and Jesus a Lord? He had no answer than that it is written in the Bible. He lacked logical reasoning and open-mindedness. Normally they are people of the Book and so this sciencetist proved to be lacking logical reasoning. Some of the Church members then briefed him that I am a mad man asking silly questions.

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