Saturday 7 November 2009

Sacrifice - Why no female bird, animal or even human being is not given as Sacrifice? - 1

Sacrifice - Why no female bird, animal or even human being is not given as Sacrifice? - 1 This fact is known to most that a female entity a bird, cow, woman, etc is NOT given as Blood sacrifice in religious rituals mostly of Jewish and Hinduism. Female sense starts from our Planet earth, which we call as Mother because we are born of the clay or earth and to earth we return on our death. Real self soul comes from our Real Father God whereas our biological fathers just play role in procreation. Without females, there would be no animals, people and so on. For the reason of procreation and service, the female are given protection and it starts from our countries. In the process of protection, it is the men who normally fight the agressors. Christ Jesus called the sons of Man as Salt of the earth whilst the people without conscience are called saltless people to be thrown out of the Churches. This I have explained in the Playlist, Peter, the Rock.

I am giving this talk in spirit and if any of you would like to add or rectify me, please do not hesitate to contact me.

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